Saturday, February 4, 2012

Live, Love, Laugh

Thinking about everything my husband and I had been through makes me think we have lived through at least 25 years of marriage in the amount of a year. Between all the hospital ER visits, the loss, the hurt, the uncertain, and the fear. Losing our son brought us so close, almost losing our daughter brought us closer, and me being in and out of the hospital brought us the closest. Their isn't much that i don't know about my husband and their isn't much he doesn't know about me. We now know how each will handle certain things that most couples wont find out about till they are married for 3,4,5 or even 6 years. I know someone who has been married for 5 years and been together for 9 years and they haven't dealt with half of what we have, I don't blame them hell I wouldn't wish anything that happened to us on the person i hated the worst in my life. I know everything we have been through makes us stronger and its hard but I feel like we can make it through anything I know we can. I just cant believe that its been a year. My daughter is almost 3 months old and is sleeping through the night hitting milestones like they are nothing. She is trying to sit up on her own and almost kinda has it. Man is that scary, well not scary but heartwarming and sad she is growing and I'm not ready next she will be eating food and saying words and potty training :/. With all of this going on it makes me think what it would be like with two. Would they both sleep through the night? Would they both be hard headed?? Would they both like five fighter death punch (the above song is Selene's favorite song)? Or would my son like my music over his dads?? Would she be a daddy's girl over a mommas girl if her twin was here?? I have so many questions and not so many answers and with everything Selene does I wonder what if her twin was here. What if Anthony was here would he beat her out on crawling and walking or talking. I'm not sure but I do know I miss him. And I know I'll always miss him. And I'll always love him.

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